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D ইউনিট : 2011-2012 || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2011


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He was absorbed in thought
He went deep to the mind
He was lost of thought
He was lost in thought
Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago
Loan against Trent Receipt
Letter against Trent Receipt
Letter of Trust Receipt
Loan against Trust Receipt
One of my friends are a lawyer
One of my friends is a lawyer
One of my friend is a lawyer
One of my friend are a lawyer
He made me work for him
He make me to work for him
He has made to work for him
He had made mede work for him
did not take of f
had not taken off
took off
had taken off
for a larger profit margin
in place of to earn more money
to gain more quantities of money
and instead earn a bigger amount of profit.
have arrived
had arrived
is arrived
would arrived
Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago
Pre Service Import
Pre Shipment Inspection
Post Shipment Inspection
Pre service Inspection
the poor live from hand to mouth
the poor lives from hand to mouth
the poor people purchase and eat day to day
the poor lives on hand to mouth .
The girl comes to me with laughing
The girl is coming to me with laugh
The girl came to me laughing
The girl comes at me with laugh.
He said, "they should do it "
He said, "we should do it"
He said, "they will do it"
He said, "We will do it"